Room service, redefined

Stretch, strength train, flow, and more in the comfort of your room. Stream a curated collection of Peloton classes on your hotel room TV, no equipment needed. To find participating hotels, search by city on, then filter the in-room amenities for “streaming entertainment."


Keep your streak alive

It’s easy to keep up your wellness routine on the road with Peloton Bikes at Hilton brand hotel fitness centers across the US.

Traveling abroad? Ride at participating hotels in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany too.

Ride like no one's watching

Want to turn miles into milestones, without ever leaving your room? Search for Hilton brand hotels offering in-room Bikes to work out while you stay in.


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Traveler FAQ
Traveler FAQ

How to sweat with Peloton on the road.

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*Age, height, and weight restrictions apply.